г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Шевченко 16, офис 5Н
Ежедневно с 09:00 до 23:00

Christmas Racing

Платформа: PS5
Тип: Игра
Дата реализа: 2024-12-24
Издатель: Gametry sp. z o. o.
Жанр: Гонки
Регион: Турция
340 ₽    

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8 800 600 75 53
Описание игры
  • 123
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Страна производства
Christmas Racing is an action-packed racing game and your focus is to be the first and surpass your opponent. The terrain is treacherous, so you need to pay attention to your speed and really do everything you can to improve.

This is the ultimate holiday-themed race where you must use all your skills and become a great driver. There are multiple cars to choose from and you will be impressed with the numerous gameplay mechanics and ideas. Check it out today and see if you can defeat all other drivers!

• Christmas themed racing game
• Play in local multiplayer
• Multiple cars to choose from
• Beautiful, immersive visuals
• Lots of replay value
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