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Cypress Inheritance: The Beginning

Платформа: PS5
Тип: Игра
Дата реализа: 2024-12-15
Издатель: Cypress Inheritance LLC
Жанр: Приключение, Экшен
Регион: Турция
9780 ₽    

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Страна производства
Lorna Ritten has learned of Alfred Cypress, her grandfather whom she has never known, her family past has always been somewhat of a mystery. She also learns of what she has inherited, of which she has no idea of just how important this actually is to her and others. After being contacted by a stranger, this leads her into the beginning of a very unique situation. Regardless of what she is facing, she must continue forward to achieve what is needed for herself, and so much more!

Arriving at a secluded island, the setting is somewhat overwhelming. But, even with the vastness and mystery of the Island, and what dangers may lay ahead, she is still very intrigued. While knowing very little about Alfred Cypress, it is very obvious he has an eccentric nature, as well as brilliance in him. The technology discovered conveys all this in many ways. There is so much to do, not a lot of time, and the realization of the need to be extremely careful. Cypress Inheritance: The Beginning will give you a unique gaming experience to enjoy.

Cypress Inheritance: The Beginning delivers a true-to-life, stealthy gaming experience set in an open world with also having replayability, as each newly started game randomizes item locations, necessitating adaptive strategies. As you experience a true cause and effect system while on the path to achieving your goals, the strategy you use will have consequences and those decisions will ultimately determine your success or failure.
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