г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Шевченко 16, офис 5Н
Ежедневно с 09:00 до 23:00

Math Genius: Multiplication

Платформа: PS5
Тип: Игра
Дата реализа: 2024-10-31
Издатель: GGMUKS INC.
Жанр: Тренировка мозга
Регион: Турция
860 ₽    

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8 800 600 75 53
Описание игры
  • 123
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Страна производства
Math Genius: Multiplication is a fun and educational game that challenges players with randomly generated multiplication problems. Players fill in the missing number in the equation by choosing one of three possible answers. Keep track of your progress with on-screen counters displaying your correct and incorrect answers. Perfect for sharpening math skills in a quick, engaging format!
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