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MLB The Show 25 digital Deluxe edition

Платформа: PS5
Тип: Комплект
Дата реализа: 2025-03-14
Издатель: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Жанр: Спортивная
Регион: Турция
15050 ₽    

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For more information on pre-ordering, including how to cancel your pre-order, see the Sony Entertainment Network Terms of Service/User Agreement. Auto-download requires Automatic Login and Auto Sign-In to be enabled on your PS5 system.

Pre-order to receive a Gold Choice Pack and Early Access on 14 March 2025.

Edition includes:
- MLB The Show 25
- 20 The Show Packs
- 20th Anniversary Choice Pack
- One Diamond Choice Pack
- Five Gold Choice Packs
- One Equipment Pack
- One Double Daily Rewards
- One Cover Athlete Bat Skin
- 20,000 Stubs

Forge your baseball dreams in MLB The Show 25 – the definitive baseball journey, powered by you.

Ignite your passion and build your very own path to greatness – from high school all the way to the Hall of Fame! Along the way, connect with iconic baseball stars in fan-favourite modes – updated with new ways to play. This lovingly crafted entry in the series comes complete with a suite of gameplay and quality of life enhancements – designed to get you to the action faster.

Road to The Show:
- Begin your RTTS journey by playing High School and College games in The Amateur Years.
- Build the RTTS ballplayer you want, the way you want to. Craft Perks to your liking and utilize a revamped attribute progression system for full control of your player's development.

Franchise/March to October:
- Enjoy every moment of every game – or choose the key moments that matter, now with improvements to both Trade Logic and Defensive WAR.

Expanded Diamond Dynasty and more1:
- Collect and earn player cards in Diamond Dynasty: 360, as you craft your very own lineup – with no more time-limited season restrictions.
- Try out Diamond Quest with your squad! It’s a brand-new roguelike game mode, where rewards are yours to earn through moments, boss encounters and more.

Gameplay Improvements and Expansion:
- Experience exciting new gameplay in all modes: featuring a variety of all-new RTTS Impact Plays, G.O.A.T difficulty for the ultimate challenge, all-new Ambush Hitting for a more realistic “plan of attack” at the plate, faster online gameplay and hundreds of new animations for extreme realism – and much more!

Visual Improvements:
- Appreciate incredible high fidelity when you play on a PS5 console – including updated dirt and grass, combined with real-time physics, making for an advanced level of detail.

- Celebrate history in Storylines while you learn about baseball legends and their amazing tales.

The Best Gets Better:
- Hear authentic High School and College audio – including metal bats and chain link fences – alongside enhanced stadium sounds with 3D Crowd Audio2 and fan chants, all powered by ShowTech.
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