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Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip XXL PS4 & PS5

Платформа: PS5, PS4
Тип: Игра
Дата реализа: 2024-11-15
Жанр: Казуальная, Пати, Ролевая игра
Регион: Турция
3500 ₽    

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[This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4® version and the digital PS5® version of this game.]

"Monster Prom 3: Monster Roadtrip" finally answers the age-old question: "What if we added survival mechanics to a beloved dating sim franchise?"

Monster Roadtrip adds a twist to its predecessors Monster Prom and Monster Camp, multiplayer dating sims brimming with beautiful art and unapologetic humour.

This sequel takes you on an unforgettable road trip along with fan-favourites Scott and Polly. On the way, you will stay at crummy motels, engage in dark cult rituals, help out strangers on the road and pick up more hitchhikers than Scott can count. Bump into old friends and meet plenty of new faces on your way to one of six destinations!

Monster Roadtrip adds three difficulty levels to customise your road trip, and two different multiplayer modes: cooperate with other players or compete to see who the Ultimate Prank Master is! And if it's romance you're looking for, don't fret: we've got you covered! More than 15 characters are waiting for you on the road. Meet them, sit together by the benches at the rest stop, and hold intimate conversations that may lead to love.

But that's not all! The XXL version includes ALL of the extra playable characters: Zoe, Juan, Hazel and Glitch!

Monster Roadtrip has everything you love about the "Monster Prom" formula, and adds new mechanics for a road trip you will remember forever! ;)

[If you already own the PS4® version of this game, you can get the PS5® digital version at no extra cost and you do not need to purchase this product. Owners of a PS4® disc copy must insert it into the PS5® every time they want to download or play the PS5® digital version. PS4® game disc owners who buy the PS5® Digital Edition disc-free console will not be able to get the PS5® version at no extra cost.]
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