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MXGP 24 - Fox Holeshot Edition

Платформа: PS5
Тип: Комплект
Дата реализа: 2024-11-28
Издатель: NACON SA
Жанр: Гонки
Регион: Турция
10750 ₽    

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For more information on pre-ordering, including how to cancel your pre-order, see the Sony Entertainment Network Terms of Service/User Agreement. Auto-download requires Automatic Login and Auto Sign-In to be enabled on your PS5™ system.

Pre-order MXGP 24 Fox Holeshot Edition and get all the exclusive DLC for this game. 4 Fox Racing liveries, 1 pack of 60 stickers, and 1 MXGP TV “Archive Pass”.

The Fox Holeshot Edition gives you access to 4 exclusive Fox suits for your rider, plus access to MXGP TV for the 2024 season archives:

*you need a valid MyNacon account to access the “archive pass”. Please create a MyNacon account to obtain an MXGP TV “Archive Pass” code
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