г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Шевченко 16, офис 5Н
Ежедневно с 09:00 до 23:00


Платформа: PS5, PS4
Тип: Игра
Дата реализа: 2024-12-12
Издатель: ESDigital Games LTD
Жанр: Приключение
Регион: Турция
Русские субтитры: Есть
960 ₽    

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8 800 600 75 53
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Страна производства
OVERTOP is a game about an owlet that fell out of its nest and now must, at all costs, return to its nest at the top of the mountain. The game combines charming cartoon graphics with hardcore gameplay. In this platformer, you have only one goal — to climb to the top, overcoming cliffs and chasms. This is not an easy task, so be prepared to give it your all! The stakes rise with each jump, and any fall will push you away from your cherished goal. Don't forget the main rule of the feathered club: "The higher you climb, the more painful it is to fall!"
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