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Swarm Madness

Платформа: PS5
Тип: Игра
Дата реализа: 2025-01-17
Жанр: Шутер, Экшен
Регион: Турция
290 ₽    

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8 800 600 75 53
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Страна производства
Your fortress is under constant attack, and you must save everyone who counts on you. Keep the walls strong and keep the mutants from getting inside.

Roll out all the powerful weapons you have and start harvesting the evil souls. No time to think. The waves of zombies can come crashing down all around you. Shoot, reload and repeat. Repeat as many times as necessary to keep everyone safe.

Clear and protect each level you enter. It's not as easy as you think. The zombies are getting smarter and always looking for new tricks.

Pick up where you left off on PlayStation4 at any time on PlayStation5 by simply importing your save game from the PlayStation4 version!

Check out the new fun game from the NOSTRA.GAMES team.

Become a true hero for your people!
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