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Terraformers: Deluxe Bundle

Платформа: PS5, PS4
Тип: Комплект
Дата реализа: 2025-01-30
Издатель: Klabater
Жанр: Стратегия
Регион: Турция
Русские субтитры: Есть
5170 ₽    

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8 800 600 75 53
Описание игры
  • 123
  • Описание
Страна производства
Terraformers is an expansive turn-based colony builder and resource management game with roguelike elements. Explore the Red Planet, develop spectacular cities, spread life and terraform the planet with ambitious projects.

New Frontiers DLC!
The ‘New Frontiers’ DLC for Terraformers adds the option to found outposts on other celestial bodies in the Solar System. Explore the dangerous atmosphere of Venus, adapt to the massive gravity field of Jupiter or research the mysterious rings of Saturn.

Megastructures DLC!
In this Terraformers' DLC you can build a megastructure in every Martian city. Will you construct a self-sufficient Arcology, a facility to completely control a city's local climate zone, or a space elevator to vastly increase your trading capacity?
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